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Customer Resources

Today's "Hailu Heavy Industry" The main customers involved in iron and steel, nonferrous metals, coke, building materials, petrochemical, coal chemical, paper, power and other industries, including Baosteel, Shougang, Maanshan Steel, Sha Steel, Anshan Iron and Steel, Jinan Iron and Steel, Liuzhou Iron and Steel, Jiuquan, Laiwu Steel, non-ferrous Jinchang, Tongling Nonferrous Metals and Jiangxi Copper, China Shenhua, Shenhua Ningxia coal, China Nonferrous Metal Mining Group Co., China petrochemical Engineering construction Corporation, China Electric power technology Import and Export Corporation, ALSTOM, FW, AEE, SIEMENS, USS, ACRE, JNMC, Nippon steel (NIPPON sTEEL), VAI (VAl) and other famous enterprises.